Purim Collection


On this page, you will find activities, infographics, text-based sessions, and other materials related to Purim.

Do you have educational Purim materials you’d like to share on this page? If so, please fill out this form, or email firstr@ncsy.org.


hamantaschen-JSUHamentashen Exploration
This Hamentashen-making session looks at the symbolism of 3 within the megillah and beyond.

building-friendships-JSUBuilding Friendship
This session is about building friendships through giving and the importance of a genuine compliment. This can be run for Purim or any time to discuss the importance of unity, friendship and working together.

Draw-Purim-JSUDraw Purim
Teens will learn the story of Purim by working in groups and learning to look beneath the surface.

love-and-giving-JSULove is Giving
Love is all about giving, Purim is a festival of community love and sharing. Explore why we give Mishloach Manos on Purim and make some to give out.


4-Mitzvos-of-Purim-Yudi-Levine thumbnailThe 4 Mitzvos of Purim
A printable page outlining the 4 mitzvos of Purim: Megillah, Matanot L’Evyonim, Mishloach Manot, and Seudah.

Purim infographic from Mike WirthPurim Explained
An infographic explaining the fundamentals of Purim.

Text-Based Sessions

purim session screen shotPurim Shiur or Chaburah Companion
Compilation of Torah sources about the decree against the Jewish people in the Purim Story and their subsequent salvation. Addresses many essential and interesting questions about the Purim story with numerous sources.

rising to the occasion screen shotRising to the Occasion
This text based-session discusses the etymology of the word “Jew” and how it relates to the Purim story.

mordechai and approval ratings thumbnailMordechai and Approval Ratings
How does a leader make good decisions? How does a leader balance initiative and faith? To what extent should there be a strong presence of Jewish leadership in the diaspora? A text based session looking at Mordechai’s leadership in the Megillah to provide discussion and answers to these questions.


megilas esther thumbnailMegillas Esther Playbill
A playbill designed for the story of Megilas Esther. Includes a list of characters, and summaries for each “scene.” Used at NCSY’s National Yarchei Kallah.

External Resources

Purim on Chabad.org
Purim on aish.com
Purim on Ner Le’Elef (NLE) Resources
Purim A-Z from Aleph Beta Academy