5 Ways to Make the High Holidays Meaningful for Your Family
Here\'s a quick list of 5 ways to make the high holidays more meaningful for...
Dani Sudwerts
Sukkos: 7 Minutes of Inspiration
Why do the Jewish people need so many holidays? Hear the inspiring words of...
Rabbi Israel Lashak
Bring the Feeling of Israel into Your Sukkah
How is living in your Sukkah similar to living in Israel?
Rachel Olson
The Significance of Sukkot
This packet explores the significance and symbolism of the holiday of Sukkot.
Rabbi Gavry Mandel
Sukkos: Shades of Faith
How does the Sukkah teach us to live with emunah (faith)? How many walls are...
Rabbi Evan Weiner
Lulav: Let Me See You Shake Your Mitzvah
Why do we shake 4 species, and how are they related to Sukkos? What do each of...
Rabbi Evan Weiner
Shmini Atzeres: What Happens in Sukkos Stays in Sukkos
Is Shmini Atzeres the 8th day of Sukkos, or is it a separate holiday? What does...
Rabbi Evan Weiner