A marketplace of Shabbos-related activities, including music and arts and crafts. This activity is best performed on erev Shabbos to help get teens in the mood for Shabbos.
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This is a pre shabbos program which can be done on any erev Shabbos but ideally works well for this week- Performance of Mitzvos. The success of this program depends on proper time and resources. You need to make sure you have your resources well in advance.
This activity needs a good amount of time on a Friday afternoon as well as a good open space. If you don’t have access to these- then save this activity for another week or another day.
Most of the activities are arts and crafts activities but you can vary them to your preference. You can make as many stations as you want.
Here are a few ideas of Round robin fun things to do or make:
A. Brief intro about challah: i.e. What challah represents
B. Instruct how to braid challah.
C. While participants are braiding teach them deeper aspects about challah. IE: How one’s neshama yesara allows one to handle more gashmeos. Why and how we wash.
Handwashing How-To:www.aish.com/shabbathowto/fridaynight/Washing_for_Bread.asp
Write names on them so we can collect and use them each shabbos.
Materials: Get in touch with the hotel and mashgiach. Ideally order one lb worth of premade dough per participant. If not than each group can make one larger challah.
Materials: Fabric and decorations, stencils, fabric markers, dye, buckets, rubber bands
Get fabric cut to size 14x16, write in Hebrew with a stencil and perm marker, perm marker for writing names, “Shabbos Kodesh” to be colored in, get dyes, find buckets and other supplies needed.