The Garbage Game: How Beautiful Are You?

Teens are given basic supplies (garbage bags, duct tape, paper cups, plates, bowls, markers, etc.). Each team is tasked with creating a different style of clothing (sports, beach, formal, casual, fashion, etc.) Each team has to dress up one of their team members within 5-8 minutes, using only the supplies provided.

Each advisor then takes two teams and asks each team separately 4 questions about their own project, and 4 questions about the other team’s project. Finally, the advisor brings the two teams together and shows how the other team saw positive aspects about their creative clothing that they themselves had missed.

Takeaway message: You are more beautiful than you think you are. When we think about ourselves, we set the bar very high. But when other people judge us, they can give us a fuller (and hopefully more positive) picture.

Also, we must keep in mind that our goal is to be the best we can, given the limited capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses we were born with (or, in this case: the limited supplies you were provided with).

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